Henley Lions, this week, have launched a FaceBook page with the help of their brilliant webmaster, Simon Asplin. The page is the club’s first venture not the realms of social media and is intended to increase awareness of the club’s activities. Here’s the link to the new page which we encourage you to “Like” and “Follow”: https://www.facebook.com/henleylions/?eid=ARBKjDEvBVS7N0r3M4M3bg8ne1shDAxB76-C6m0iTIp4x_ThxNqZCAVsh3tpOv-MG4ciNrce2hdiozjq
Henley Lions donated £1,500 to purchase new chairs for the Bluebells Day Care Centre. The new Bluebells was officially opened by the town mayor, Cllr Glen Lambert, towards the end of his mayoral year. Bluebells is now a new charity offering respite care to elderly living with dementia and Alzheimers.