Natalie Jennings Talk on Voluntary Work in Southern India
Natalie Jennings gave a most informative illustrated talk to the club at our December meeting on her visit to Southern India doing voluntary work with the charity Restless Development. Natalie’s excursion, which was partially supported by Henley Lions Club, lasted three months during which she and her volunteer colleagues worked with local volunteers to help improve the lives of local children and young adults. She was involved in everything from giving briefings on preventing dengue fever and personal sanitation to CV writing and job fairs. Natalie explained that she lived with a local host family who were lovely but had no running water in their home. She told the club how she learned to eat all her meals with her hands as the locals do and how she had to wash all her clothes in buckets of water. Natalie explained how she now plans to go travelling for a few months before looking for a job in the field of environmental studies. The club membership thanked her for coming to tell us her story, congratulated her on her successful adventure and wished her well in her future endeavours.