


Swimarathon 2022

This year’s annual Swimarathon took place on 26 March 2022 and proved a very successful event. We missed having this event for two years due to the Covid pandemic so were eager to get it going once again. We had teams from a number of local schools, clubs and organisations and raised circa £4,500 for charity, half of which will go to the charities being supported by the teams that took part.


Henley Royal Regatta Charity Car Park

Once again this year Henley Lions Club will be running our charity car park over the revised days of Henley Royal Regatta 2021. As has been the case for many years we will be setting up on the grass verge along the Fair Mile. The daily charge will be £10.00 every penny of which will go to into our charity funds.


Lions Painting Competition Results Announced

Congratulations to all those youngsters who entered our Henley Lions Painting Competition especially to our 1st Prize Winner, Maisie Osborne. Thank you to Michaela of the Henley Herald for such an excellent report.


Painting Competition for the Under 10s

Henley Lions have a new painting competition for those children who are under 10 years old. The competition, entitled “Picture from My Window” is open to all those children who have not yet reached their 10th birthday on the closing date which is 28 March 2021. The painting, A4 size, should be accompanied by a completed entry form. Note that the closing date has been extended to 28 March 2021


Santa’s Sleigh 2020

Thank you so much to everyone in our community here in Henley and Shiplake for making Santa’s Sleigh such a huge success. As late as the beginning of December we weren’t sure if we would even be allowed to take Santa and his sleigh out on to the streets. Once we were given permission we worked tirelessly to make it happen. Our team, led by Lion Pam Phillips, pulled together and with the help of countless volunteers took Santa on his travels around the town for nine nights. The generosity of the people of Henley was amazing and, in the end we raised in excess of £5,000 for local charities. Santa had a great time and was thrilled to see so many children come out to greet him. All in all, it turned out to be a huge success and one that Santa will be talking about for many months to come.