


Lions Nature Watch Photo Competition Winners

This morning Lion Ian Forster and Lion Dave Murray did the prize giving for the two First Prize winners of the Lions Nature Watch Photo Competition.  First prize in the Wild Flower Category went to Elysia Chilvers for her beautiful photo of a dandelion clock. Elysia, now aged 10, was presented with her prize of a Canon IXUS 185 digital camera by Lion Ian. Ian organised the competition and was the head judge. Along with the camera Elysia was given a certificate and an A4 size print of her winning photo. In order to keep to the “social distancing” guidelines Lion Ian employed his long pond net to pass the prize over to Elysia. First prize in the Wildlife Category went to Alex Glen for his stunning photo of a bee on an allium flower. Alex, age 4, took the photo in his back garden using his mum’s mobile phone. He too was awarded a Canon IXUS 185 digital camera, a certificate and an A4 print of his winning photo. Lion Ian commented on the exceptional quality of the winning photos and the overall high standard set by all of the photos that were entered into the competition.  

Dandelion Clock by Elysia Chilvers
Bee on Allium by Alex Glen
Lion Ian Forster presenting the First Prize to Elysia Chilvers
Wild Flower First Prize Winner Elysia Chilvers
Wildlife First Prize Winner Alex Glen


Nature Watch Photo Competition

Henley Lions Club has a a new photo competition for children under 10 years of age. There are two categories, wildlife and wild plants. Children are asked to take photos in either or both categories using a smart phone in their gardens or from the windows of their home. The competition runs until 31 May 2020. Good luck to all those entering.


Lions Donation to the Henley Music School

Henley Lions are very pleased and proud to have been able to make a donation to the Henley Music School. At our March 2020 business meeting Lion President David Skinner presented a cheque for £1,000 to Laura Reineke, CEO of Henley Music School. The donated funds were collected just prior to Christmas when he helped with Santa with his Sleigh going around the streets of Henley. Santa’s Sleigh is all about children and the Henley Music School is also all about our local children. Laura thanked the club and explained that the funds would be used to provide bursaries for a group of autistic children who receive piano lessons organised by the Henley Music School.


Henley Lions Newest Member

At our March 2020 business meeting Lion President David Skinner had the honour and pleasure of inducting our newest club member, Caroline Adamson. Caroline was sponsored by her husband Dave who has, himself, only joined fairly recently. We are extremely happy to have Caroline join our team and look forward to having her get involved in all of our club’s activities serving our local community.


Lions Donation to Shiplake Scouts

At our monthly business meeting of 3 Feb 2020 Henley Lions presented a £500 cheque to Ernie Povey and his daughter Debs Boughey for the 1st Shiplake Scouts. Lion President David Skinner and Lion Pam Phillips thanked both Ernie and Debs for all their help with Santa’s Sleigh. Pam said that we couldn’t make the sleigh happen without their untiring help. The funds will be used to help kit out their scout hut which recently suffered fire damage.